Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Blog Hoppin..A family affair
2:54 PM
Hello! This week has been such an exciting whirlwind of fun! This week will be our last week in Panama City, Fl. On Monday, my husband and I will be headed to Wimore, KY for him to attend school at Asbury Seminary. I will be teaching 2nd grade in Nicholasville. We are so excited for this new journey of our life, yet it has been so hard preparring to leave. I have never lived anywhere but PC. :/
This week, my parents threw us a going away/birthday party (Happy Birthday to Me...Today!) and my cousins from Alabama joined for the surprise!! YAY! Also, the youth group we volunteer in went on a scavenger hunt (sortof) which let to another surprise going away party. We are so truly blessed with the people in our lives.
(The amazing FUMC youth group at our surprise going away party...blessed!)
Not only has my amazing family been in town enjoying to beautiful beaches and pool BUT they have been enjoying the Blog Hoppin Scavenger Hunt. We spent all day yesterday trying to find new things and take pictures. My grandmother even joined in on the fun. (She really wanted to sit in the shopping cart but...ya that didn't happen). Check out our adventures below and check out my Instagram for more fun coming soon @styleandpaste
(My sister, Candyce) (Selfie-Mom and Cousin Briley)
(Leap Frog with Grandma aka Maw-maw) (Human Pyramid-Make that Cousin Pyramid)
Link up with Blog Hoppin' if you haven't already. We have had TOO much fun playing this week. Still a log way to go to get to 105! Thanks to all my family who helped. Fingers crossed we win the camera!
Countdown till we move- 5 days!!! Wow...guess I should be packing.
Monday, July 21, 2014
My Classroom Decor
7:05 AM
I'm so excited to be able to share my first (and favorite) TPT product today. This year marks my 4th year teaching...which is crazy. I feel like I just started!!! My 1st year I was "Knox's Navigators" and I decorated my room with a variety of things from TPT and other places. My 2nd year I decided to switch it up and went for "Mrs. Knox's Sweet Life" and focused on all my favorites--cupcakes and ice-cream. Last year, I decided I wanted to make something stylish, matching, and nautical that I could use for years to come. NO more changing..just adding and re-vamping. So, I created my pink and blue nautical class decor and I ADORE it!!
There are so many pieces to this classroom set including an alphabet, class jobs, writing process, daily 5 materials, word wall letters, clip charts, name places, and others. Here is a preview of the class jobs that are available. I can also add specific jobs that relate to your classroom. Just let me know!
Below is a picture of how I use the nautical word wall letters in my classroom. First, I created a sailboat (which matches the sail boat clip art on the items) to be the center piece. The sail says "Sailing into New Words". I made mine with wrapping paper and scrapbook paper. I also used bulletin board paper from School Girl Style to help it match the bulletin boards..check out her paper HERE. I place the letters around the boat and each time we learn a new vocabulary word we place it on the wall. It grows throughout the year and the students love it!!
And what's a classroom without matching class shirts?!? Does your school order class t-shirts? This year our shirts featured a big anchor on the front with "Navigators" through the middle. At the bottom it looped around and says "Mrs. Knox's 2nd Grade". These shirts are perfect for class pictures, field trips, field day, and so much more. Plus, it makes us feel like a team!!
Classroom decorating is so much fun. I can't wait to get to my new school and start decorating. I love seeing my students walk in on the first day and talk about the decorations and just know it's going to be a great year. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I am open to new ideas and ways to improve.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Christmas in July
6:54 PM
Who doesn't LOVE Christmas....well here in Panama City it is Christmas in July for many reasons. Here is a little look into our July fun.
*I just received a package in the mail- my 2014-2015 teacher planner!! If your a teacher then you know how exciting this is! I couldn't wait to get my colored pens and Washi tape out to start marking dates and of course holidays. I get my planner each year from Plum Paper. They have so many great options and they customize them with your initials, name, and the subjects you teach. Here is a look at mine in the beginning stages. -www.plumpaper.com-
*Our teacher store- Mrs. Mary's- is going out of business at the end of the month (so sad)..but that means a huge SALE is happening. The whole store is 40%-60% off! I racked up with a new Reading Noodlers game, hot-dots addition and subtraction flashcards, and many more great deals. If your in Panama City, then I suggest you check it out. If not, check them out on Really Good Stuff.
*It's also my birthday month!! Tuesday I will be 25...yikes! I can't wait to spend my final week here celebrating and hanging out with my family and friends.
*And...finally for my 1st link up. I'm joining with Blog Hoppin for a Christmas in July Sale. Click the link below to see my items on SALE! *Items on Sale will change on Tuesday and Friday.
Today-Tuesday: Yellow/ Grey Sale
Tuesday-Friday: Nautical Blue/Pink Sale
Friday-Sunday: Nautical Navy/Green Sale
3:03 PM
Hello!! Welcome to my blog...Style and Paste! I'm so excited to join the blogging world and share my thoughts and ideas as well as learn from other amazing blogs. This year will be my 4th year teaching 2nd grade. I just ADORE this age group...although, it is the only grade I have taught. =)
I feel over the past three years I have learned so much from some pretty amazing teachers. I am excited to share what I have learned and continue to learn as a teacher. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I'm glad to answer them.
You can visit my "About Me" page to learn a little more about me and the new journey to Kentucky that my family is about to embark on. Happy Blogging!
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Check out bloglovin'
6:19 PM
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