Saturday, August 2, 2014
Class Dojo Rewards...Made Easy!
5:05 PM
Who would have ever thought that classroom management could be so much fun! Well, I'm not sure about you but I was skeptable about using Class Dojo 2 years ago when my teacher bestie, Andrea, said I had to use it! At the time, I was perfectly happy with my clip chart. It seemed to be working, so why change something that worked well? The next year, I decide to give it a try...and WOW I just love it. I do still use my clip chart Keep Reading.
Class Dojo is a great way for STUDENTS to track their own behavior..thats right...students! Highly Effective...check! Students are able to give positive and negative points throughout the day for positive behaviors such as completed homework, teamwork, helping others, etc. They are also about to give themselves negative points for things like disrespect, no homework, talking out of turn, etc. Class Dojo allows the flexibility of adding your own names of positive and negative points. At the end of each day, parents can see exactly how many points they earned, what time they earned them, and any comments you might have added about that. To find out even more about how it works, click the picture below.
Now, to the best part...ReWaRdS!!! Who doesn't love prizes...and FREE or Cheep prizes! I was so tired of filling the treasure chest and candy drawer that I came up with some fun free prizes for their rewards. Each Friday, students can cash in their dojo points for rewards. I do it every Friday because it gives motivation for the next week (you can do it how ever often you choose). My teacher helper passes out sticky notes and the students write down their name and how many points they have. Then, they decide what they want and write it down and turn it in. In return, they get a little card to keep with their reward written on it (see below) and keep it until they are ready to cash it in. All rewards expire the next Friday when they cash in. So, if they don't use it they lose it. I have created rewards the picture to check them out.
Now, how do I incorporate my clip chart as well? I use the clip chart in a few ways. (see TPT store for a variety of clip charts)
*Substitue- I have a substitute use the clip chart rather than Class Dojo. It is easier to see and work with unless I know the sub well. Plus, its like an extra incentive to be good for the sub because it means more points!
*Power Out Day- If the internet is not working it is an easy backup and students know how to use it!
*Extra Special Items- If a student does something just above and beyond I let them move their clip to earn more than just one point. This way we are using it still so they don't forget about it.
This is how the points are added from the clip chart... Each level of the clip chart counts for extra points or negative points. For every level you are above "Ready to Sail" you get an extra 5 points to your total where for every level you are below you have to take away 5 points. So..rewards stay the same.
I can't wait to introduce this to my new kiddos in the upcoming weeks.
P.S. If you intro at Orientation/Open House always allow them to give themselves a point for participation...because they came and it helps them encourage their parents to come to the next event!
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