Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Unlikely Friends
4:59 PM
That awkward moment when its been so long that you posted you don't even know where to start....
Let's just say this year has been BUSY to say the least. So, fast forward to my adorable almost 3rd graders at my new school. The other day we took our class to see the play "Ivy + Bean". I think I liked it just as much if not more than they did. Bean is a tomboy and loves to play outside and Ivy is a girly girl who loves to read and dress up. The two live on the same street, Pancake Court. (Um...could I live there?!? Yummy!) They start off being so different that Bean doesn't even want to get to know Ivy but through a series of events they become BEST FRIENDS! I feel like this can describe us all at different points. We see someone and think they don't look like us or look like someone we would typically be friends with, but then later we find out that they are so much more like us then we imagined. Hints the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover". Who can't relate to this?!? It becomes a great life lesson and moral to the story as well.
Let's just say that after the play was over I was ready for one of my groups to make this part of their book I could read it. ;) HA Well..that was super easy because they ALL wanted to read them even the boys. One boy said "This is the best story ever!" I still have the ending song in my head with little pictures of them dancing to "cause were Ivy and Bean". So, I have created a super cute and super easy guide to help you navigate through your Ivy and Bean book club. All you need to do it print and you are ready to go. Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. Let me know if you have any suggestions for fixing or any other books that you think my kids would like.
P.S. Just discovered Katie Kazoo... study guides on her coming soon!
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