Thursday, June 18, 2015
Beach on my Mind
9:45 AM
SUMMER is Here! And for me...that means Florida with my family for 2 months!!! Brian is currently interning at Shalimar UMC for the summer which is only about and hour or two from home. Last week we spent the week being super heroes and teaching the little ones about our true super hero, Jesus. This week Brian is on choir trip, so it is all about the beach and island with my parents and sister!
SUMC VBS "Jesus is our Superhero" |
With summer being in full swing and spending it at my favorite spot the BEACH...why not create a whole new beach themed classroom. Kids love going to the beach, so lets bring that constant excitement to the classroom each day. This new classroom decor is inspired by my favorite patterns and colors. Everything is chevron or wavy with bright and fun colors!
First, start with the classroom alphabet...this is the first MUST have of any classroom. We need students to be able to visualize and utilize this at all times from all places in the room.
Then, there is the very important clip chart! I love this behavior tool. It allows students to quickly address their behavior. They can move up and down the chart throughout the day based on the choices they make. I use it along with class dojo (see previous post for info).
Next, we have beach name plates for the students desks. I like to use a variety of colors and clip art so that I can call students into a variety of random groups for different activities. For example, I might say all the flip flops work together and all the sand castles work together today. This switches it up from just using elbow partners and buddies. There are a variety of things you can do to constantly switch up your grouping so it's not the same students always working together.
And then there is the word wall...I do love a fun word wall. I like to make mine the focal point of the room. With this one I would add a huge beach ball or waves on the wall and cut out in die cuts the words "Have a BALL with new words". Then, place the little beach balls around it to place the new sight words you are learning each week.
There are many more items in this packet such as Daily 5 charts, writing process, where are we signs, teacher binder covers, etc. If you are interested in the whole packet click here! If you are interested in one of the items individually just click that picture. This week...I'll be working on more beach items starting with the new book for our book club. My girls LOVE the Whatever After books, so I'm reading Sink or Swim and creating a book study for it. Keep an eye out next week!
As always, thanks for following. Hope you are enjoying your summer doing whatever it is you LOVE!
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