Tuesday, July 7, 2015
A fairy tale ending
2:00 PM
Have you ever WISHED you could change the ending to your favorite fairy tale? Well in this series "Whatever After", Abby and her brother Jonah do just that! They have a magic mirror in their house that allows them to transport to a different fairy tale each time, but they never know which one. When they arrive, they normally mess up the story and have to fix it or they just want to fix it on their own.
In this story, Sink or Swim, they end up in the story "The Little Mermaid" which they aren't to fond of the ending. So, they make it their mission to make a happy ending to the story. How will they do it? Read to find out in the exciting 22 chapter story. This book is recommended for 3rd-6th graders but I plan to use with my 2nd graders as well. The chapters are short and easy to understand.
This book club packet has everything you need to get a group started. It has a prediction page, questions for each chapter, a Venn Diagram, and a creative writing passage. All you need to do is print and you are ready to go. I like to make each student in the group a folder that they keep their book club notes and questions in for the entire length of the book. It helps keep them responsible for their work and helps give them ownership.
If you have any questions about how to use it in more detail, please don't hesitate to ask. I love feedback and questions of all types. styleandpaste@gmail.com
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Always looking for School Deals
12:34 PM
Summer is great for many reasons...sun, beach, family, vacation, relaxing, reading actual adult books, etc...but for me one of my favorite parts of summer is getting ready for the new school year. I know this sounds crazy, but to me it helps the year go so much smoother. In the summer I can shop for new books and supplies we ran out of last year or that I anticipate we might need all while wearing my bathing suit, cover up, and flip flops. I also like to take the time to read some new books for my students reading groups and pre make questions. This makes getting chapter book clubs started right away so much easier. Finally, I love being able to read the new professional development books all while sitting with my feet in the sand. It's my chance to catch up on whatever I feel wasn't so great at the end of the year and make it even better. Today...that started with a little classroom shopping. I mean who can resist the Target dollar spot. SOO many good finds.
Dollar Tree- bright colored containers for manipulatives or other storage needs.
Michaels- 48 pk of pencils with animal eraser tops that are perfect for student birthdays plus all kinds of great treasure box treats for .29-.49 cents.
Target Dollar Spot- Poster and books on the United States and U.S. Presidents along with wipe on/wipe off U.S. boards and flashcards.
We each have our own way of relaxing and getting ready for the year ahead. If you have any great suggestions/ professional development ideas feel free to share here or email them to me
styleandpaste@gmail.com. Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer.
Also, if your looking for a good read this summer, check out this book "The Story of God, The Story Of Us" by Sean Gladding. It was an assigned reading for my husband at seminary, but I have been reading it this summer and it is amazing. It goes through the events of the Bible in a story format. I feel like it really takes your childhood bible stories and pieces them together to form a broader picture of the whole story.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Beach on my Mind
9:45 AM
SUMMER is Here! And for me...that means Florida with my family for 2 months!!! Brian is currently interning at Shalimar UMC for the summer which is only about and hour or two from home. Last week we spent the week being super heroes and teaching the little ones about our true super hero, Jesus. This week Brian is on choir trip, so it is all about the beach and island with my parents and sister!
SUMC VBS "Jesus is our Superhero" |
With summer being in full swing and spending it at my favorite spot the BEACH...why not create a whole new beach themed classroom. Kids love going to the beach, so lets bring that constant excitement to the classroom each day. This new classroom decor is inspired by my favorite patterns and colors. Everything is chevron or wavy with bright and fun colors!
First, start with the classroom alphabet...this is the first MUST have of any classroom. We need students to be able to visualize and utilize this at all times from all places in the room.
Then, there is the very important clip chart! I love this behavior tool. It allows students to quickly address their behavior. They can move up and down the chart throughout the day based on the choices they make. I use it along with class dojo (see previous post for info).
Next, we have beach name plates for the students desks. I like to use a variety of colors and clip art so that I can call students into a variety of random groups for different activities. For example, I might say all the flip flops work together and all the sand castles work together today. This switches it up from just using elbow partners and buddies. There are a variety of things you can do to constantly switch up your grouping so it's not the same students always working together.
And then there is the word wall...I do love a fun word wall. I like to make mine the focal point of the room. With this one I would add a huge beach ball or waves on the wall and cut out in die cuts the words "Have a BALL with new words". Then, place the little beach balls around it to place the new sight words you are learning each week.
There are many more items in this packet such as Daily 5 charts, writing process, where are we signs, teacher binder covers, etc. If you are interested in the whole packet click here! If you are interested in one of the items individually just click that picture. This week...I'll be working on more beach items starting with the new book for our book club. My girls LOVE the Whatever After books, so I'm reading Sink or Swim and creating a book study for it. Keep an eye out next week!
As always, thanks for following. Hope you are enjoying your summer doing whatever it is you LOVE!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
4:49 PM
Have you ever thought about switching places with someone for the day? When I was a kid I wanted to be Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson...well actually mostly Ashley. I even tried to get my mom to change my name to Ashley..what was I thinking?!? But seriously...I mean who didn't love Holiday in the Sun and Our lips are Sealed.
Well in Nancy Krulik's books she writes about a girl named Katie who has the ability to instantly switch bodies with others. But just because she can switch bodies doesn't mean she gains the same abilities of the other person. In this story Katie Kazzo Switcheroo On Thin Ice, Katie switches with a famous ice skater on the night of her big performance. Katie learns a few life lessons in this funny story which all kids can relate to.
This book is a great book club book for a group of girls. It will not only teach them to read and comprehend but there are some great morals to the story as well. We can learn from Katie to appreciate what we have, not to envy others, and to keep going even if we mess up. I love being able to read books with the kids that they enjoy but also have deep learning rooted inside. Ready to use this with your guided groups? Just hop on over to TPT purchase, print, and your are ready to go!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Unlikely Friends
4:59 PM
That awkward moment when its been so long that you posted you don't even know where to start....
Let's just say this year has been BUSY to say the least. So, fast forward to my adorable almost 3rd graders at my new school. The other day we took our class to see the play "Ivy + Bean". I think I liked it just as much if not more than they did. Bean is a tomboy and loves to play outside and Ivy is a girly girl who loves to read and dress up. The two live on the same street, Pancake Court. (Um...could I live there?!? Yummy!) They start off being so different that Bean doesn't even want to get to know Ivy but through a series of events they become BEST FRIENDS! I feel like this can describe us all at different points. We see someone and think they don't look like us or look like someone we would typically be friends with, but then later we find out that they are so much more like us then we imagined. Hints the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover". Who can't relate to this?!? It becomes a great life lesson and moral to the story as well.
Let's just say that after the play was over I was ready for one of my groups to make this part of their book club...so I could read it. ;) HA Well..that was super easy because they ALL wanted to read them even the boys. One boy said "This is the best story ever!" I still have the ending song in my head with little pictures of them dancing to "cause were Ivy and Bean". So, I have created a super cute and super easy guide to help you navigate through your Ivy and Bean book club. All you need to do it print and you are ready to go. Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. Let me know if you have any suggestions for fixing or any other books that you think my kids would like.
P.S. Just discovered Katie Kazoo... study guides on her coming soon!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Choose to Help..Donor's Choose
6:04 PM
Have you seen this logo or heard people talk about Donor's Choose? Well...I'm hear to tell you that it is AMAZING! Donor's Choose is a website that is dedicated to helping teachers (like you) get books, supplies, technology, etc for your classroom and it's so EASY! All you have to do is think of something you need, write to explain why you need it, and get donors to support you.
In the past 3 years that I have been teaching, I have had 6 projects on donors choose funded. Without this company, I would not have been able to purchase all these amazing items for my classroom. I have received over $1,500 in classroom supplies that have gone directly to students to use each and every day. The great thing about this is that its not just one class it carries on to every class I teach. I have received chair pockets, 4 individual listening stations, talking points, word work board, fractured fairy tales, the entire magic tree house unit, and finally scholastic readers for all my kids. With the help of the Donor's Choose Board of Directors, Kia, Disney, Bill Gates, and many personal friends, family, and students parents I have been able to foster an environment for learning.
Lot's of teachers believe that it is too hard to they do not have enough time or people who will donate. Let me just tell you its SO simple. This weekend there was an offer from Bill Gates Foundation for half off your project plus the Donor's Choose Board is giving a half off code as well. With that being said, in less than 1 hour I had a $300 project funded.
So, how to get started? Click the link in the picture or HERE. It only takes about 10 minutes to set your profile then click "Create a Project", decide what you want, and write an interesting story about why you need it. The best way to get it funded and get it funded quick is to let people know about it. You can post it on Facebook, Instagram, and even email the link out. This is a GREAT way for people to give you money when they know it will be used! So....why are you still reading this...get started TODAY!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
New Beginnings
5:03 PM
"Do not be afraid for I am with you" (Isaiah 44:10) has never felt more true than in the past few weeks. So many things have changed..so many things are different...so many new places, people, etc. These pasts weeks have been a crazy life change but in the midst I could not be happier. Leaving a town you grew up in, a job you loved, as well as friends and family was hard but I have no doubts this is where we are supposed to be.
Brian and I drove to Kentucky on a Monday (with both sets of parents..haha), unloaded our 26" Uhaul and opened every box and hung everything on the wall on Tuesday, moved into my new classroom on Wednesday and Thursday, and I started school trainings back on Friday. Since then, I have had Open House and today was the 1st day of school not to mention I also will be the asst. cheer coach at Asbury University. Through it all I have met some amazing, Godly people who I can't wait to get to know even better.
Our new home...<3
So...my new school is AMAZING. It is not only beautiful but everyone that I work with is so nice and helpful. They have truly made the move much easier. My classroom today was filled with 27 smiling 2nd graders all happy to be at school. Here are some pictures of my classroom...notice the window!! Ahh..after 3 years with no window I am PUMPED to have this beauty. See my classroom section for more pictures.
Window View of my classroom =)
Well...tomorrow is the 2nd day of school and so much left to do. Hopefully once I get in the swing of things I can finish all my new projects and post them soon. Happy Back to School Season. Hope all goes well for everyone.
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